American Psychiatric Association (APA)

Content Manager, Producer, Showcaller

A global exposition company calls on Cherek Productions to help with the American Psychiatric Association’s annual conference.  Held in major expo halls throughout the country, Cherek Productions manages multiple needs forAPA.   These include:

Content Management for all digital signage-  Take a 4-day conference for 10,000+ attendees, multiply that by the number of sessions, ads, and informational posts. Then, plan how, when, and where all this information should be displayed throughout a major convention center’s digital signs, and you have the 1st part of what Cherek Productions does for APA.

Multi-stage content management-  In addition to a main stage, APA provides two additional stages on the expo floor.  These stages each have multiple presentations throughout the four-day conference.  Cherek Productions helps produce and organize all the visual content (slides and videos) for both stages. This means content for presentations as well as interstitial (promotional or programming ) content.


Producer and Showcaller-  During the actual conference, Cherek Productions is the producer and showcaller for one of the stages.  This includes individual presentations, panel discussions of varying sizes, and a high-visibility,  nationwide collegiate competition performed as a game show.




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